Service Learning Program

Knox Autism Acceptance Month Walk-A-Thon


Our character education offerings – rooted in the 博彩网址大全的核心价值观:尊重、责任、正直、勇气、善良、 and Scholarship -为学生成为社区的积极贡献者奠定基础, both locally and globally, and prepare them for success well beyond high school graduation.

Knox Service Learning - Holiday Present Wrapping

Service Learning Requirement

服务学习是一种独特的体验式学习形式,可以让学生走出去进入社区, learn from and help community partners, and reflect on their beneficial experiences. At Knox, 每个高年级学生都需要参加几个不同年级的服务学习.

Past Service Learning Projects

The Memory project

记忆计划是一个非营利性组织,邀请学生为世界各地面临重大挑战的年轻人创作肖像, such as neglect, abuse, loss of parents, and extreme poverty.

在春天,学生们完成一个筹款项目,然后订购他们的照片. They then create portraits for kids around the world. 在过去的一年里,他们拍摄了危地马拉学生的肖像. These portraits can be done in many mediums; pen and ink, charcoal, pencil, water colors, paints, etc.

General Needs Ltd.

Knox Service Learning - General Needs for Veterans

This project has been part of Knox for the last four years.  General Needs是一个非营利组织,为美国东北部无家可归的退伍军人提供服务.  General Needs is just that, 他们为我们被遗忘的无家可归的退伍军人提供一般需求,从洗漱用品到外套和靴子,再到新公寓的入门套件.  Everything they give to the veterans is brand new.  They believe that these veterans deserve new supplies.  博彩网址大全为这个组织举办了几次筹款活动和募捐活动.  去年他们为退伍军人捐赠了30大包洗漱用品.  This year they raised over $350, and 90 pairs of socks.  Not only do students raise money, 但他们也会实地考察他们在东北港韦斯特的储存设施,在那里他们为退伍军人包装圣诞礼物.  他们在卡车上装上一箱箱靴子,用于他们的1363地面靴子项目.  Making a difference one veteran at a time.

Island Harvest Food Bank & Healthy Harvest Farm

Knox Service Learning - Healthy Harvest Farm
Knox Service Learning - Healthy Harvest Farm

This project has been part of Knox for over four years now.  学生们通过在秋季家庭周末举办食物活动来支持岛屿丰收食品银行.  学生们每年捐赠的食物超过300磅,现金超过400美元.  Not only do they serve their local community this way, 但他们每年也会去岛上收获食品银行仓库和他们的健康收获农场实地考察两到四次,在他们为食物银行种植新鲜农产品的田地里工作.  学生们在装配线上工作,为感恩节晚餐包装食品, and boxes of socks.  去年春天,他们在农场的温室里帮助种植了750多株樱桃番茄幼苗.  今年秋天,他们为冬季作物除草,收获了35磅青豆,并将它们包装起来,送给每个家庭,捐给食品银行.  学生们一边学习农业技能,一边为一个家庭做出贡献.

Knox Service Learning - Healthy Harvest Farm

Senior Citizen Kindness

This project has been part of Knox for over four years now.  在疫情前,学生们将参观养老院,为老年人唱圣诞歌曲.  他们还会自制装饰品和卡片,分发给每个居民.  自2019冠状病毒病以来,这些家庭的访客受到了限制.  Instead, 学生们继续自制装饰品和卡片,服务学习协调员负责接送.  养老院对博彩网址大全的奉献和支持表示感谢,博彩网址大全一直为许多被遗忘的老年居民提供帮助.

Hurricane Fiona & Ian Support

近年来,波多黎各和佛罗里达遭受飓风的蹂躏.  学生团体迅速成立了募捐组织,为这些自然灾害的受害者提供救济.  Students raised over $450 for this project.

Knox Family Community Project

今年,学生们决定举办几次筹款活动,以支持我们当地社区购买学生键盘.  在博彩网址大全,人们经常发现许多有才华的学生在校园里弹钢琴.  虽然这很好,但需要更多的设备来培养人才.  The students saw this as an opportunity to support our own school.  They were able to raise over $800 and purchase a new keyboard, stand, and foot pedal for current and future Knoxies to enjoy.

Adopt a Family Program

One project service learning has completed in 2021, 是收养5个家庭过圣诞节,并为他们买衣服和玩具.  Students held fundraisers and raised $650 for this project.  This supported the Port Jefferson School District program.

The Heifer Farms Experience

One the annual Heifer Farms trip, 学生们将学习有关全球饥饿问题和可持续发展的知识. On this trip, topics include learning about populations throughout the world, 了解极端贫困和生活在贫困条件下的人们的足智多谋, farming, and more. 学生们甚至学会了如何在明火上准备和烹饪食物.

Puppeteering for Fire Safety

Knox Service Learning - Fire Prevention - St. James
Knox Service Learning - Fire Prevention - St. James

This project has been part of Knox for the last two years.  学生们自愿与Nesconset消防部门一起工作,并在他们的年度消防意识节上担任木偶演员.  学生们与所有的消防木偶一起工作,并为多达50名小孩表演强调消防安全的节目.  

Charles Dickens Festival - Inclusivity Project

Knox Service Learning - Dickens Festival Port Jefferson

This project has been part of Knox for the last two years.  This project’s theme is “inclusivity”.  博彩网址大全的学生们学习了五首圣诞歌曲的合集,并学习了如何用美国手语来演绎这些歌曲.  然后我们参加了杰斐逊港的狄更斯节日游行,在那里我们游行,唱歌,为聋哑人和重听社区签名.  


Please email our Community & Service Learning Coordinator, Mrs. Susan Layton at

Knox Service Learning - Healthy Harvest Farm

Knox Students harvesting vegetables for local food pantries

Knox Service Learning - General Needs

At Knox, we support veterans in need

Knox Service Learning - Fire Prevention - St. James


Knox Service Learning - General Needs for Veterans

Students prepare packages of donated boots, 为退役后重返社会的退伍军人准备的袜子和家居用品

Knox Service Learning
